سوالات زبان تخصصی کارشناس مالی
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- قيمت :29,000 ریال
- فرمت :Word
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سوالات زبان تخصصی کارشناس مالی
( ۷صفحه) PDF
۴۶- Absorption costing and variable costing treat fixed costs
Respectively as…………
۱) Production costs and production costs. 2) Production costs and period costs.
۳) Period costs and period costs. 4) Period costs and Production costs.
۴۷- The sum of direct labour and direct material is called…costs.
۱) prime 2) product 3) conversion 4) finished
۴۸- we can now say that a balance sheet will be a statement at any given data of the amount
of …………on the one hand and the amount of the ……….. and proprietorship on the other
۱) cash – assents 2) liabilities – assets
۳) fixed assets – liabilities 4) assets – liabilities
كد : 28122
وضعيت :موجود
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